Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Another Awkward Day....

I like to call what happened today the "perfect storm".  Combine my ungraceful nature with nearly 24 years of bad karma, add in a sarcastic attitude and the lack of a filter and viola the "perfect storm"!

So, I have met with the same group of people for appointments several times over the past few weeks.  They have made it very clear that they have no intention of renting for at least the next calendar year.  I explained to them that it is extremely unlikely that the exact unit that we were looking at was going to be available next year, yet they still wanted to tour almost every other day for 2 weeks.  

By today, my patience was running rather thin with this particular group.  I told them in no uncertain terms that this was to be the LAST tour until it gets within a few months of their actual move in date, as they were taking up a lot of my time touring something they were not prepared to rent.  After my stern comments about our tours coming to an end, I began to lead them up the stairs, got about 3 stairs up and fell on my face!!!!  I didn't just trip, I fell.  Nearly hit my face on the stairs and wound up screaming out in fright.  It was impossible for them to keep straight faces throughout the tour and I remain completely embarrassed! 

The Perfect Storm.....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Grammys 2011!

I must admit, as more over-the-top Lady Gaga gets the more obsessed I become!  Hatching from an egg post incubation?!  Sheer insanity meets sheer genius!  I loved it!!!  She is quite possibly the most eccentric person on the planet, and is my hero! 
Bruno Mars, will you marry me?!  I absolutely LOVED his performance!!  The throw back remix of Grenade was amazing and I truly hope he does not go to jail for that cocaine, hes too pretty for prison!
I was so excited for the Cee Lo Green performance of the "song otherwise known as 'Forget You'", but I am not sure if I was outside of the circle of people who knew why the hell he was dressed like a be-dazzled chicken, or what?!  But the hushing mupets were hysterical! And someone please, take the mic away from Gweneth Paltrow!  In my not-so-expert opinion, she ruined that song!
All in all, I thought it was amazing!  I love watching amazing performances being intertwined with not so amazing performances and acceptance speeches!  More importantly, I was thrilled that Christina Aguilera could remember all of the words and start the night with this gem....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pranks...Gotta Love Em!

Recently, I have taken up the lost art of pranks and more excitingly PRANK WARS!  I never was a big prankster growing up.  That has a lot to do with my inability to keep a straight face in funny/awkward situations.  However, I am working on my poker face so hopefully I will improve with time (like wine!!!). 

The office prank wars started months ago, and have been getting better and better!  Here are some of my favorites. One of my co-workers put a doorbell chime in the ceiling of another co-works office and proceeded to press the doorbell button repeatability throughout the day.  Since everyone was in on the prank, they all pretended to not hear the doorbell noise when they were in her office, making her think she was having a medical emergency inside her ears!!!  She retaliated by wrapping every single item in his office with Christmas wrapping paper, down to his pens and paper clips! A different co-worker and myself have exchanged a few pranks as well!  He has switched the buttons on my mouse, which renders me retarded when I have an IT guy in my office helping me with computer items and I can even click on the start menu!  So, just this past week I changed the time on his computer to be 25 minutes behind!  He had no idea.  When 5:00 rolled around, and he is usually home by this time, he cannot understand why I am leaving the office 30 minutes early!  

Now, the ball is in my co-workers court and I am getting more and more nervous with anticipation.  I assume it will be a good one, so I need to be ready for my retaliation!  

Help with any ideas for my next attack!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Things I am currently obsessed with....

Each year during the Super Bowl many HILARIOUS commercials are shown!  However, Cheetos is rocking my world by releasing some of their ads early!!!! This one is my favorite, but go to youtube and search for "Cheeto Commercials" and you will be pleasantly surprised!!!

You're Welcome!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here I am!

This is my official start to the blogging community! I am looking forward to being able to use this blog to chronicle my life and the world - or at least the way I see it!

Being newly married and starting a new career is a very exciting time for me!  I am looking forward to the endless adventures that I will have in this new life and I am very excited to see what is in store for me down the road!

I hope to have a lot of interesting, funny, heartwarming, sad (at times), and undoubtedly uncomfortable/awkward stories to share!! It seems that I am constantly in the middle of a strange situation, and wishing that there was an audience there to share in my humility.  And since, it is extremely unlikely that I will have this constant audience, I will share my unique situations with you via my blog!

So let us begin!!!!!!