Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Didn't your mother teach you anything????

Apparently, not!  I must say that I whole-heartedly believe that people should have to be tested prior to having children.  I will personally administer each test and vaccinate each individual who fails, to ensure that my future children will not be intermingling with these animals!

I grew up in a household in which my brother and I, feared my parents.  And, no, not in the sense of a "Mommy Dearest" reenactment, but we knew if we misbehaved that we were going to be in trouble.  Where is that fear in the children these days?!  Children know that their parents will not do a thing if they misbehave.  "Little Suzie is just expressing herself"!  Bull.  Little Suzie knows that her parents will just smile and pop an antidepressant and move on.

I am so irritated with going out in public, to see these little gremlins running around like mental patients.  WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?!  It seems as though, parenting has become less about developing your kids into well-rounded, positive members of society and more about being best friends.  All I wish, was that parents would step up and discipline their children.  It is not the children's' fault that they misbehave.  Why wouldn't they?!  No one is ever there to tell them "no".

For example, the other day I was at work while a mother and her children where in the fitness center.  One of the kids comes barreling out of the fitness center, down the hall, and into our kitchen.  I walk into the kitchen for another cup of coffee, just to see her digging though our refrigerator and taking my food!  Then she takes the food into the clubhouse and her mom didn't even come to me to apologize for the stolen goods!

So to all the parents out there, who do not want to make me have my tubes tied, thank you!  Thank you for taking the time to teach your children right from wrong and how to be cute little kids.  For the rest of you, thank you for setting the standard low, as I now know that there is no way my kids will be worse than yours!

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